News - Services
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Diabetes UK Community Champions
Following a successful bid for funding from the Department of Health Volunteering Fund national awards Diabetes UK are in the process of recruiting diabetes Community Champions in Birmingham
This project was developed because people from Black Asian and minority ethnic communities (BAME) communities are at an increased risk, relative to the white population, of diabetes and long term
complications such as heart and kidney disease, amputations and blindness.
Diabetes Community Champions are volunteers who help to educate and raise awareness of diabetes and Diabetes UK to people from BAME communities.
See full details here
Tel: 02074241000
WAITS Free Legal Advice Clinics
Starting January 2012 DBS Law will be providing FREE legal advice clinics.
These will take place at WAITS Action premises:
7th Floor, Edgbaston House, Duchess Place
Birmingham, B16 8NH
To book your free advice clinic please contact:
- Farhat 0121 374 2260 (Family law)
- Sejal on 0121 374 2302 (Immigration)
WAITS is a Registered Charity. Enabling women from diverse areas within the West Midlands to develop themselves, their families and their communities.
Health Befriending Network for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in West Midlands
Do you need help to access health services?
A Health Befriender can...
- Help you to register with a doctor
- Help you to go to health or social services appointments
- Speak on your behalf about your health needs
- Be there to talk to when you feel lonely or isolated
Please contact: Julie Barton
Volunteer Coordinator (Health Befriending Network)
Tel: 0121 446 7298
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