Reports & Research

A range of links to reports and research will be posted on this page.


These listed items may be amended, added to or deleted from time to time. Feel free to let us know of any links that would be useful to post in these sections.


Refugee professionals: fulfilling potential and meeting needs
(City Parochial & Praxis)
Refugees and asylum seekers face many hurdles on the way to restarting their lives and becoming settled and independent in what for most is a strange environment.

The social care needs of refugees and asylum seekers
(Social Care Institute for Excellence)
People with social care needs are some of the most vulnerable people within refugee communities and their needs are frequently overlooked. This discussion paper attempts to describe the specific experiences of refugees and asylum seekers with social care needs.

From Refugee to Citizen: ‘Standing On My Own Two Feet’
(Refugee Support)
From Refugee to Citizen: Standing on my own two feet allows refugees to speak for themselves. It highlights the high level of political participation and volunteer activity among refugees here in the UK and shows how integration works at the household and individual levels.

Research & Comment

Access to Primary Health Care for migrants is a right worth defending
(Migrants Rights Network)
As the NHS faces up to the realities of the Government cuts, calls to restrict further migrants’ access to free NHS services, are growing. This is not something new, but the evidence suggests that excluding migrants would actually increase costs, leave all of us at greater risk of ill health, and undermine the integrity of the NHS.

African Heritage in Birmingham
The African Heritage Initiative is a unique and innovative project sponsored by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) with the aim of inspiring and empowering members of the African community in Birmingham to learn more about their role in local history, whilst also informing both Africans and the rest of society in regards to modern African migration and the integration  of Africans in Birmingham.