Support & Activities
BNCN aims to provide or signpost to a range of support services for new arrival communities and the grassroots organisations that support them. Details of specific social welfare services are covered in the other pages of this section.
Through the provision of personal support and social activities (including cultural exchange programmes) we hope to address the loneliness and isolation that affects so many people from new communities in Birmingham.
See 'Definitions' : description of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants >
To this end we seek to provide or signpost to:
- Access to advocacy, advice and support for individuals and families
- Social and recreational activities
- Children & youth events (arts, sports, education)
- Cultural exchange schemes in partnership with others
- Women / men only activities where appropriate
In a 2006 report called 'The social care needs of refugees and asylum seekers' published by The Social Care Institute for Excellence, it states;
'Over the years concerns have been raised about inaccessible and inappropriate service provision. Also, changes in the demographic profile of the black and minority ethnic population, such as increasing numbers of older people and refugees and asylum seekers, have placed growing demands on the social care sector.
@The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 outlaws discrimination in employment, in the provision of goods or services and in all the activities of public bodies. The challenge for policy makers and social care practitioners lies in tackling institutional racism and finding ways of responding to the needs of black and minority ethnic people in ways that value diversity, respect human rights and promote independence'.
You can read or download the full report here.
Further details regarding programmes of work referred to on this page will be added in due course as they arise.
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